Monday Rave

monday rave
Image by Augustine Wong

It supposed to be the last MCO for Malaysia today but sadly due to the number of cases that keeps on increasing, the government has decided to go for another two weeks mereput at home. I was waiting patiently for this day but never have I felt so disappointed with the announcement. Like what the heck, I've been staying at home, 24 hours entertaining my front-room neighbour yang sentiasa lapar and never recovered from their fungal infection, for a month, yet nothing changes? Not only me but everyone who works on a sector yang tak dibernarkan beroperasi during this MCO. Yang masih dapat kerja untunglah. Yang tak dapat kerja? Life has been quite stressful this day! I hope the government seek another solution rather than polah pkp yang sik pande habis tok. Mok pkp sampe kiamat kah apa.

We are all struggling now. Everyone is trying hard to make a living, to put foods on the table for the family, to feed and heal their pets, to pay debts whatsoever. Even yang cukup makan pun rasa macam tak cukup makan, kebingungan, apatah lagi mereka yang tak punya apa-apa. Aduhai. I pray that everyone affected by all this, including me, gonna stay strong to survive this absolute, utterly, inhuman pandemic.

To this date, I still didn't get my vaccination appointment yet. Ini baru namanya penantian satu penyiksaan. But at least both my parents have been vaccinated. To be honest, I am actually scared to get the vaccine at first but my sister was going crazy saying that the probability of me dying because of covid is rather higher than me getting the shots. Silly her. Well, I know, it's true. Oh, I am not an anti-vax, I am just that chicky-scared. Please pray for me that they will select my name soon!

How was your day? Have you got your vaccine yet?

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